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简介motion羽毛球_motion羽毛球拍什么牌       今天,我将与大家分享关于motion羽毛球的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。1.汉字“拍”怎么解释?拍字笔画顺



































































       1913年Wilson公司的前身艾士朗(Ashland)制造公司在美国芝加哥成立。?  1914年艾士朗(Ashland)公司因为它的第一任总裁早期体育用品界的专家希顿(E.C.Seaton)而显得与众不同。在托马斯·伊·维尔胜(Thomas?E.?Wilson)被任命为新任总裁后,这间年轻的公司开始把业务定位在体育用品上,通过技术革新和产品质量的提高,公司得到不断成长。?  1915年美式足球服装、篮球及室内棒球成为新下线的产品。明星网拍定价为75美金。?  1917年艾士朗(Ashland)制造公司更名为托马斯·伊·维尔胜公司,新公司收购海新格(Hetsinger)纺织公司用于生产运动套装及服装。当时公司在《周六晚邮报》广告中对公司所有产品提供2年无条件质量保证,使当时的体育用品界为之震惊。?  1922年在感恩节当天,Wilson智囊团成立,高尔夫选手吉尼·沙瑞政(Gene?Sarezen)成为第一个职业运动员出身的公司顾问。?  1927年第一次引进密封罐装网球。?  1933年沙瑞政(Gene?Sarazen)触发灵感设计出能在沙坑上轻松击球的杆头,这个秘密武器使他赢得了1932年的英国公开赛。这种新的杆头叫“爆炸射手”K-90,当年就卖出了5万支,是当时高球界最受欢迎的沙杆。?  1935年4款艾斯伍·宾士(Ellsworth?Vines)网球拍面世,标志着Wilson网球拍平衡科技方面的革新,选手从此可以选择重心偏向拍头或握把的球拍。?  1947年“现代网球之父”杰克·克拉默(Jack?Kramer)与Wilson开始了漫长的友谊之旅。作为一个世界冠军、一个评论员、一个执行董事、一个组织者、一个运动器材顾问,克拉默比其他任何运动员花更多的精力来促进网球运动的发展。?  1953年使用高级皮革以及4片加厚的骨架材料制成的KP-?4篮球,也就是后来的“慧星”篮球(Comet),在NBA比赛中使用了30年。?  1956年:在美国轰动一时的网球界人物慕林·康诺利(Maureen?“Little?Mo”?Connolly)?加入Wilson智囊团。?  Wilson推出第一个双开口的棒球捕手手套,由布鲁克林队的雷·坎帕尼拉(Ray?Campanella)作为形象代表。?  1962年Wilson在波多黎各(Puerto?Rico)阿瓜迪拉(Aguadilla)的棒球工厂投产。?  1967年一支全新设计的镀铬镍和特殊钢合金制成的网球拍震撼了网球界,这就是T2000网球拍。强度提升和重量减轻等特点是这支网球拍迅速成功的原因,它打破了以往任何销售记录。?  1970年百事可乐公司(PepsiCo,?Inc.)购买Wilson体育用品公司,确立了Wilson在行业的领导地位、优质的产品形象和发展潜力。?  1975年Wilson历史上第一次网球产品销售量超过高尔夫产品。?  1977年百事可乐公司(PepsiCo.)新的管理层将Wilson体育用品公司分成三部分:高尔夫运动类,球拍运动类及团体运动类,三个部分独立运作,每个单位都有专门的销售和市场策划部门。至此,与匡威(Converse)长达35年的合作关系终止(Wilson曾经是Converse运动鞋最大的代理商),并与世界最大的鞋业公司—Bata公司建立合作关系。?  1979年展开了与US?OPEN的亲密合作。从此,美国网球公开赛的比赛指定用球就一直由Wilson公司提供。?  1980年Wilson精心研发的专业系列ProStaff?网球拍面世。它是第一支用编织碳纤维和克维拉纤维材料制成的网球拍。几乎同时,网球拍由复合材料取代金属材料开始在网球拍界流行。?  1984年无与伦比的迈克·乔丹(Michael?Jordan)签约芝加哥公牛队,并加入Wilson智囊团。?  1987年第一支宽边网球拍“Profile”面世。?  Wilson被选为全美大学体育协会锦标赛赛的指定棒球。?  1989?年来自芬兰的爱默集团(Amer?Group,?Ltd.)收购Wilson体育用品公司。目前,拥有Wilson,Sunnto,Atomic,Precor,Mavic,Salomon等国际品牌的爱默集团(Amer?Group,?Ltd.)是世界上最大的运动器材供应商。?  1990年Wilson推出大榔头(Hammer?2.7si)网球拍,重量只有10盎司(1盎司=28.35公克),它的大榔头设计是当时甜区位置最高最大的网球拍,也是之后3年内所有专卖店中卖得最好的。?  1992年连续9年Wilson共卖出了100万个乔丹签名篮球。其中包括1992年推出的乔丹“MVP”?透明球,它是Wilson当年销售最佳的单项产品。?  Wilson开始生产印有世界上最大型的网球大满贯赛事——美国公开赛商标(US?OPEN?)的网球。?  1993年扇形大榔头(Sledge?Hammer?3.8si)网球拍面世,它只有9.2盎司,是当时最轻的球拍。?  1995年Wilson推出新的扇形大榔头(Sledge?Hammer?2.8si)加长型网球拍,它有28.5英寸长,拍头面积116平方英寸,4个月后,它成为美国市场销售第一的网球拍。?  Wilson推出由Robert?Mendralla亲手设计和手工打造而成的Staff?RM中等尺寸铁杆。?  Wilson迅速生产10款新的签名篮球以迎接乔丹重返篮坛。?  1996年针对球技普通的球员推出了改善球技的产品?-?Staff?Titanium?/?钛球。?  Wilson特别设计适合女性使用的篮球、垒球、排球和运动服装。?  1997年Wilson成为美国职业网球协会指定网球鞋和服装。?  1998年Wilson推出创新球拍科技使用超高系数材质的超钢性碳纤维。Hyper?扇形大榔头?2.0在美国取得销售第1的佳绩。?  Wilson推出第一双专为女性设计并着重合脚性的网球鞋intrique。?  1999?年在业内最收欢迎的10款网球拍中Hyper?Carbon占了6款。Hyper?Sledge?Hammer?2.0和Hyper?Hammer?5.3成为当年最高评分的球拍。Wilson智囊团成员采用超钢性碳纤维科技网球拍,使得排名前100位的选手中有80%?转用超钢性碳纤维球拍。?  Wilson推出一种能够快速吸收手汗和湿气,更易于抓取及控球的合成皮篮球WilsonSolution,彻底改变了人们打篮球的方式。?  2000年Wilson开发了革新科技的“大榔头”球拍。大榔头科技在拍框部分取代传统线槽创造了线的自由移动从而给予最大的能量转移。Hyper?Hammer?2.6大榔头球拍赢得2001大众机械杂志的设计奖项。?  跟随网球运动修改规章允许大号网球在正式比赛上使用,Wilson推出RALLY?大号网球。?  一颗名为‘Wilson’的排球出演获奖角色,与汤姆?汉克斯在破票房记录的“Cast?Away”?影片中出演。Wilson给**观众留下了深刻的印象,使得影评协会特别设立奖项独家颁发给Wilson。Wilson飞到洛杉矶出席第6届影评精选颁奖典礼并接受了颁发的动作**最佳无生命角色奖项。媒体对Wilson品牌的关注是令人难以置信的。?  2002年TRIAD“三件式”网球拍诞生。根据TIA(运动行销市场调查)显示,在美国高级网球拍的销售中,7支当中就有4支是TRIAD“三件式”网球拍。?  2003年获得14项大满贯赛事冠军的伟大球员桑普拉斯退役,另一个伟大的球员,Wilson智囊团成员,费德勒接棒,并迅速登上世界排名第一的位置,成为新一代球员无可争议的****。?  2004年nCode网球拍上市,闪烁着尖端科技结晶的纳米技术被应用于Wilson的网球拍,启动无限潜能….?  2005年Wilson成为US?OPEN专业网球穿线服务赞助商。



        I like badminton very much. Because playing badminton have many advantages. It is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social aspects of team play but also the fantastic health benefits of a great cardiovascular workout. Exception, it can let us keep healthy; it can let us be feeling exciting, it can let us be happier; it can let us be flexible; it can let us increase stamina, attention and action ability; it can cultivate volition; it can let us get them out of trouble; and it is a very good way to keep fit and from which I gain a large amount of fun. Additionally, Badminton is a physical demanding game, and it is mentally challenging as well. In mixed doubles, teamwork is the key in forming a formidable partnership.

        I play badminton. I think it is a great sport that makes you meet loads of new people and enjoy yourself at the same time, and it’s good for my eyes、feet and body.






        Badminton is a racquet sport played by either o opposing players (singles) or o opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a . Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the and lands in their opponents' half of the court. A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the . The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a ball. Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed, when pared to other racquet sports. Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind, petitive badminton is played indoors. Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity, often as a garden or beach game. Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events: men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a woman. At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements //blog.tianya.cn/blogger/post_read.asp?BlogID=3634767&PostID=32290924

英语作文 我最喜欢的运动 羽毛球

        羽毛球 1, Ziyu of the Badminton as a recreational activities, the participants hit the ball on the process, through the non-stop running and physical changes, hard to hit the ball to each other venues. Whenever hit a batter in winning a strike or a ball can make their own excitement, and to achieve a successful joy. At the same time another flight of the ball speed and severity, high and low, near and far, the relentless substance, such as changes to the float, so that the movement itself is full of a wealth of fun. 2, ornamental As badminton ever-changing technology, so that the game can be a high watch. Tigers down as the Inter technology, like the water dragon Tiaoqi bats are as full of arch *** ash, like rhinoceros Mochizuki抢to fight the blaze the ball, attack from a strategic height, like, Shirupozhu, when the defense, followed by drizzle, Guruojintang. All these display the game in the Li Yumei, so that viewers like Yin read a moving poem, such as a pleasing view of the painting is delightful, and from wandering. Second, the exercise of 1, enhanced physique Badminton sport can enhance the overall physique. Before the courts, fast-moving field after batting in the strong field after the *** ash the ball and passive to fight the blaze at the ball, hitting doubles transposition of all practitioners need a better quality of the force, the quality of speed, endurance quality, sensitive Quality, flexibility and quality of the rapid response capability. Smash need to force both sides to pull round in the process, in order to achieve the initiative need to have a paratively high speed, endurance and speed endurance in the fighting when the ball (mostly passive) also need to have good agility and flexibility; doubles Of the need for fast response and judgement. Therefore, the regular sports activities can be engaged in the development of the body's flexibility, coordination, can improve people on the lower limbs and trunk capacity of the activities to improve the respiratory and cardiovascular system function, improving aerobic and anaerobic energy supply for energy The ability to regulate the nervous system and increase the capacity of its anti-acid, but also a health promotion, disease-resistant Fangcui, regulate the role of the spirit. 2, will train Badminton petition of their sport, confrontational, the strength of many factors, such as the requirement so that the quality of the sport will play a very important position. Badminton petitions often e across such cases, the athletes a "pole": Surge not of gas, and physical weakness, black eyes, feel that they no longer insist on not go on. This phenomenon is not a party to, in equal circumstances are often o sides will appear one after another, or even almost at the same time (for example, a round ball a lot), then click on to see who could persist, victory often insist on re - The way. * What then to insist that we must * indomitable will and a firm belief in quality. Even if not petition, this activity also needs strong will, otherwise you will not be very good to the pletion of the exercises, the exercises should be the joy, fun and exercise value disappear. 3, cultivate psychological Badminton activities include the intention of each other's tactics figured out later, the various fighters of the grasp of what their use of tactical options, such as intelligence, often in the campaign can make quick thinking. At the same time, because of the tense petition, the fierce petition, to make practitioners of the psychological quality of the training very well, in the petition, and strengthen entrepreneurial spirit, the people's wisdom, courage and skills in the petition and confrontation by sublimation. After this temper, can be critical chaos, the Department of Tairan, an increase of both wisdom and cultivate a mentality, not only in the badminton event in the meet easily, but also to good shape, the right to face the cause of life, family , Honour, etc


        I like playing badminton very much.So I intend to establish a badminton club.Firstly,I will ask several friends who also like badminton.Secondly,we will make rules about our club.Thirdly,we will recruit members through school BBS and bulletin.After that,we will hold activites regularly and encourage more and more people to take part in it.

我最喜欢的运动.. 要羽毛球的.. 英语作文.. 只要说羽毛球的好处就好了..

        Badminton I like badminton very much. Because playing badminton have many advantages. It is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social aspects of team play but also the fantastic health benefits of a great cardiovascular workout. Exception, it can let us keep healthy; it can let us be feeling exciting, it can let us be happier; it can let us be flexible; it can let us increase stamina, attention and action ability; it can cultivate volition; it can let us get them out of trouble; and it is a very good way to keep fit and from which I gain a large amount of fun. Additionally, Badminton is a physical demanding game, and it is mentally challenging as well. In mixed doubles, teamwork is the key in forming a formidable partnership. I play badminton. I think it is a great sport that makes you meet loads of new people and enjoy yourself at the same time, and it's good for my eyes、feet and body....


        Badminton is a racquet sport played by either o opposing players (singles) or o opposing pairs (doubles),who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a .Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the and lands in their opponents' half of the court.A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground,and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the .The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular,the feathers create much higher drag,causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a ball.Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed,when pared to other racquet sports.Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind,petitive badminton is played indoors.Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity,often as a garden or beach game.Since 1992,badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events:men's and women's singles,men's and women's doubles,and mixed doubles,in which each pair consists of a man and a woman.At high levels of play,the sport demands excellent fitness:players require aerobic stamina,agility,strength,speed and precision.It is also a technical sport,requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements 羽毛球是一种网拍的一项运动或两种对立的球员(单身)或两种对立对(双打),他们将在相对的半场阵地,是一个矩形法院除以一个网中.球员得分显著羽毛球拍,所以它与他们通过在网络上,并降落在对方的半场的表现都是统治性的.一旦一个集会结束了地面,羽毛球和各方可能只有一次罢工之前,它通过毡子过网.毽子(或巴士)是一个羽毛的弹丸其独特的空气动力方面的性使它飞球用于不同于大多数球拍,尤其是,创造更高的羽毛毽子阻力,造成减速更迅速地超过一个球.Shuttlecocks有更高的最高速度,相比其他的球拍.因为毽球飞行是受风、有竞争力的羽毛球都是在室内.羽毛球也是发挥在外边随便的休闲活动,经常表现为一种花园或海滩上的比赛.自1992年以来,羽毛球成为奥运会的体育运动与五项赛事:男子和女子单打、男子和女子双打和混合双打,其中每一组由一个男人和一个女人的故事.在高水平的发挥,使体育运动:玩家需要优秀的健身需求有氧耐力、灵活性、力量、速度和精度.这也是一种技巧的运动,需要良好的马达协调和发展先进的网拍的动作


        Badminton I like badminton very much. Because playing badminton have many advantages. It is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social aspects of team play but also the fantastic health benefits of a great cardiovascular workout. Exception, it can let us keep healthy; it can let us be feeling exciting, it can let us be happier; it can let us be flexible; it can let us increase stamina, attention and action ability; it can cultivate volition; it can let us get them out of trouble; and it is a very good way to keep fit and from which I gain a large amount of fun. Additionally, Badminton is a physical demanding game, and it is mentally challenging as well. In mixed doubles, teamwork is the key in forming a formidable partnership. I play badminton. I think it is a great sport that makes you meet loads of new people and enjoy yourself at the same time, and it's good for my eyes、feet and body.羽毛球我很喜欢羽毛球。









        1、预防、治疗近视2.可健脑益智,开发智力,提高反应能力 。

        3. 可以提高手脚的协调性, 使呼吸系统、运动系统得到锻炼4. 放松、减压5.通过打球,具有良好的心理素质。




        Lin Dan,who called'Super Dan' by his fans is one of the best badminton players all over the world.He collected the golden medal respectively in 2008 Beijing Olympics Game and 2012 London Olympics Game.He came from guangdong province and He had started trainning the skills since he was 9 years old.His wife Xie Xin Fang married with him on 23 Sep 2012 and He is the man we are all proud of


        Badminton is a racquet sport played by either o opposing players (singles) or o opposing pairs (doubles),who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a .Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the and lands in their opponents' half of the court.A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground,and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the .The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to羽毛球是一种网拍的一项运动或两种对立的球员(单身)或两种对立对(双打),他们将在相对的半场阵地,是一个矩形法院除以一个网中.球员得分显著羽毛球拍,所以它与他们通过在网络上,并降落在对方的半场的表现都是统治性的.一旦一个集会结束了地面,羽毛球和各方可能只有一次罢工之前,它通过毡子过网.毽子(或巴士)是一个羽毛的弹丸其独特的空气动力方面的性使它飞球用于不同于大多数球拍,尤其是,创造更高的羽毛毽子阻力,造成减速更迅速地超过一个球.Shuttlecocks有更高的最高速度,相比其他的球拍.因为毽球飞行是受风、有竞争力的羽毛球都是在室内.羽毛球也是发挥在外边随便的休闲活动,经常表现为一种花园或海滩上的比赛.自1992年以来,羽毛球成为奥运会的体育运动与五项赛事:男子和女子单打、男子和女子双打和混合双打,其中每一组由一个男人和一个女人的故事.在高水平的发挥,使体育运动:玩家需要优秀的健身需求有氧耐力、灵活性、力量、速度和精度.这也是一种技巧的运动,需要良好的马达协调和发展先进的网拍的动作

        I am a student that like doing some exercises in my free time, and playing badminton is my favourite sport. I always go together with my clas *** ate play badminton . Sometimes I can make friends with some other sporters. That makes me very happy。

        If you are the one who love badminton, you can call me together next time when you play badminton.

        转载请注明出处作文大全网 ? 我最喜欢的运动(英语)羽毛球作文


       MOTION PARTNER MP-092全碳素羽毛球拍型号:MP092\r\n重量:85克左右\r\n数量:单拍\r\n弹性(flex):中等弹性(medium flexible)\r\n张力(tension):18-24磅

       日本著名吉他手 hide 简介







       出生地:神奈川县横须贺市(Yokosuka Kanagawa JAPAN)





       ·Saver Tiger:Guitar,leader



       ·Hide with Spread Beaver:Vocal,Guitar,Bass






       不过也是哦,因为不习惯西洋浴室而整整一月未洗澡 的滋味一定不好吧,还有啊,hide的爸爸妈妈居然还给他理了个光头……


       hide第一次听摇滚乐是在同学的家里听的KISS' [ALIVE II]。








       hide负责Saber Tiger的词曲,同时也是团长和吉他,这个团在他的操持下渐渐变得有名气起来,也在很多地方演出,后来当然也去了东京。某次在live的后台认识了也在东京发展X的团长yoshiki,彼此也都留下了深刻的印象。

       Saber Tiger在活动了6年之后由于团员的问题太多而宣告解散。



       Saber Tiger解散后,hide对自己的音乐人生已经不再有什么幻想,决心回到老家,剪短长发,学习奶奶的样子当个美容师(hide在Saber Tiger期间上美容学校,已经取得了证书)。


       于是总在不断换人的X的团员们终于也确定下来了:鼓手与团长yoshiki,主音toshi,bass taiji,吉他 hide与pata。除了toshi,其他四个家伙都是做过团长的厉害人物哟~


       1988.4 X以indie身份发行《Vanishing Vision》

       1989 便发行Major出道大碟《Blue Blood》

       1991 《Jealousy》大获成功

       1992 展开东京巨蛋3 DAYS演唱会,后于42届红白会出场

       X JAPAN

       虽然当时X风光无限,但内部已有矛盾,taiji在3DAYS后正式退出X。新bass Heath加入。X开始计划海外发展,正式更名为X-Japan,新的神话开始……

       93年末,X JAPAN于东京巨蛋举行了过去只有外国歌手才有资格举行的倒数计时跨年演唱会. 从那天起直到1997年,每年年末的东京巨蛋都成为X /X JAPAN FANS们的圣地.

       1997.04.20 X-Japan主音Toshi以“音乐理念不合”为由宣布退出X-Japan。TOSHI的退出对于已经共同走过10年春秋的X-Japan成员及FANS都是一个沉重打击。最终9月22日在toshi缺席的情况下召开记者会宣布X-Japan解散。在记者会上,yoshiki说道:“真的非常感谢大家支持我们到现在,非常感谢各位。”之后每位成员发言除了toshi没有来参加, hide说:“让你们一直等实在是对不起。这是最后的任性,然后……谢谢大家。” hide虽然戴着墨镜,但是声音却是颤抖的。从照片上来看,那天大家的表情都很差

       1997.12.31 X-JAPAN于Tokyo Dome举行《The Last Live》。于红白歌合战出场,演唱《Forever Love》,这也是hide的last live。开始hide的表情不错,但到后面Endless rain, Forever Love时,已经泪痕斑斑,在暗淡的光线下好明显。结束后X-Japan还要赶去红白会……那日的live大碟光一个开头就可以听得人胸口发闷)

       hide's SOLO


       8.05 两支由森雪之丞作词,hide作曲并演唱的1st Single《Eyes Love You》,2nd Single《50% & 50%》发行,立刻打入日本ORICON排行榜并且名列前茅。前者的clip甚至还得到MTV观众票选的大奖。

       9.29 hide与另支乐团ZI:KILL的主唱Tusk合作演出的**Seth et Holth(seth与holth)发行。这部**从视觉冲击到音乐都是一次革新,而且剧本与作曲演奏都是hide和tusk完成的。可想而知hide的才华多么令当时的人们称奇。这部video也在ORICON的video排行上达到了第一名的位置。 (虽然看过这个的介绍,但rap楞没看懂)


       2.23 hide的第一张solo大碟《hide your face》发行

       3.26 hide紧接着开始了第一次solo tour,随团成员有Pata(from X-Japan),RAN,Joe(from Ziggy), D.I.E.(from Centaur), I.N.A.,CHIROLYN(from Hiroshi)

       3.24 Hide 4th Single《Tell Me》,Video《A Souvenir》发行。

       10.21 Hide Video《Film the Psychommunity Reel.1》发行。

       11.23 Hide Video《Film the Psychommunity Reel.2》发行。

       12.24 Hide限量Video《X’mas Present》发行。

       hide's SOLO


       2.26 发行Video《Ugly Pink Machine File 1》。

       3.26 发行Video《Ugly Pink Machine File 2》。

       6.21 Hide Album《Turn-up》,Video《Senve Clips》发行。

       8.21 Hide Video《Hide Presents Mix Lemoned Jelly》发行。

       10.22 Hide参与Shonen Knife的Remix专辑《Ultra Mix》-Track 5《Tower of the Sun》。

       12.17 Hide Compilation Album《Woofer!!01dB》发行。

       12.24 Hide限量Video《Hide Presents Mix Lemoned Jelly all night event》

       失去了X,hide并没有向外界表露出伤心绝望,而是埋头专注于自己的solo事业,他组成了“hide with spread beaver”,成员都是他两次solo tour时助阵的老朋友。新团以单曲Rocket Dive一举打入ORICON单曲排行第四位。之后,hide到美国去录制新专辑。新单曲Pink Spider和Ever Free的发行也在日程之内,hide对98年将要进行的tour和许多工作都抱有积极的态度,也比往日更加活跃于乐界,杂志、电台、TV,无所不见他的身影。歌迷们对hide和他的新团都极力支持。


       1.28 Hide 8th Single《Rocket Dive》发行。

       2.21 Compilation Album《Woofer!!02dB》发行。

       3.21 Hide Album《Awol Original Sound Track》(Track 1:Hide with Spread Beaver《Rocket Dive》发行。

       4.27 hide回到日本。

       5.01 他还在非常认真的工作,一切似乎都和平日未有不同……




       葬礼当日VR界许多艺人都有到场,X-Japan吉他4成员及taiji也是。X-Japan更当场演奏《Forever Love》,当日总共逾5万多歌迷参加送葬队伍,不时有人过度悲伤晕倒,另有歌迷在前去参加葬礼途中自杀……

       那段时间曾有一朋友告诉rap说她的一个同学因日本艺人hide自杀在寝室哭泣几不能仰制,当日曾嘲笑其人着迷过度。 时至今日回想起来也只有苦笑……那时的rap甚至不知视觉系为何物……

       never forget him...



       5.13 Hide 9th Single《Pink Spider》发行。

       5.27 Hide 10th Single《Ever Free》发行。

       7.17 Hide纪念Video《His Invincible Deluge Evidence》发行。

       7.23 以zilch名义发行的hide最后一张大碟《3,2,1,zilch》发行

       10.21 Hide 11th Single《Hurry Go Round》发行。

       10.22 Hide with Spread Beaver在ょこすか艺术剧场举行,“1998 Tribal Ja.Zoo”hide的影像出现在巨大屏幕上,kiyoshi喊道:“他那里也没有去!哪里都不要去!他就在这里,在这个舞台上……”。(video间中更有多人回忆hide,看了好感动)

       11.21 Spread Beaver将hide没有能最终完成的大碟依靠demo tape完成,并发行了这张遗作:Ja Zoo

       12.04 Hide CD-ROM《Hide 1998 Complete Works》发行。


       3.03 Hide(Zilch)《3.2.1》混音辑《Bastard Eyes》发行。

       5.01 Hide Tribute专辑《Spirits》发行。

       12.08 Hide Video《A Story》发行。


       1.07 Hide最后写真集发行。

       1.19 Hide with Spread Beaver 12th Single《Tell Me》(2000年型)发行。

       3.02 Hide精选集《Hide Best -Psychommunity-》发行。

       4.18 Zilch参与**Soundtrack Album《Heavy Metal 2000 Original Picture Soundtrack》(Track 5:Zilch Inside The Pervert Mound)。

       4.24 Taiji的Hide追悼本《传奇乐团X的生与死》发售。

       5.03 Hide Official Trading Card发售。

       7.20 Hide Museum预定落成。



       5.1-2 hide-city"hide Memorial day"纪念活动

       5.16 hide LEMONed Compilaton Cafe Le PSYENCE 收录hide未发表音缘“HIDE MISCAST”

       5.22 《hide Psy-Clone ~hide electronic remixes~》发售

.? 《hide private collection in MUSEUM》发售。

       5.31 由松本裕士协力HIDE自传本<HIDE DAYS>发售,3800,编号4-7966-2746-4,B5大

       7.10 hide未发表单曲《In Motion》发售

       7.21-8.31 hide museum2周年企化“OTHER TAKES”全278枚(预定)hide的珍贵照片,仅对会员,8.1决定延长至9月,照片增至350张!


       7.? <无言激>再度发售!好想要啊~~~

       10.12 被成为hide之“复活演唱会”的「 hide ’ s PSYCHOMMUNITY Special!!  ̄ Junk Story 」举行!!!

       10.26 hide首次海外LIVE,韩国「 GLOBAL ROCK FESTIVAL2002 ETPFEST 」


       关注:日本重金属乐队 xjapan歌曲下载

       都是现场版本的 效果很好





       一首 《红》


       一首 《weekend》

       URL /SITE/mp3/AT/Weekend(Tokyo%20Dome95LiveVersion).MP3
